Other theatre work, 2013


Paradise Lost, a play by Clifford Odets
Staged reading, New York Theatre Workshop, La Mama Annex
Directed by Daniel Fish
With Nick Wyman, Karl Bury, Sally Wingert, T. Ryder Smith, Ned Eisenberg, et al.
Stage directions read by Jenny Seastone Stern
April 22



Intruder and Inside, two plays by Maurice Maeterlinck, translated by Caryl Churchill
Staged reading, New York Theatre Workshop
Directed by Les Waters
With Reed Birney, Maria Dizzia, Alvin Epstein, Kate Goehring, Joanna Howard, Marai Elena Ramirez, Alison Scaramella, T. Ryder Smith
June 3



Radio Bloomsday
(see entry in Vocal Archive here)
Live radio broadcast of readings from James Joyce’s novel Ulysses, WBAI/Pacific Radio
Directed by Caraid O’Brien
Produced by Caraid O’Brien, with Larry Josephson and The Radio Foundation
WBAI Studios, NYC, June 16, 2011
With: Aaron Beall, Paul Dooley, Barika Edwards, Jim Fletcher, Paul Muldoon, Caraid O’Brien, T. Ryder Smith, Kate Valk, et al.
June 16



(A)loft Meditation, a new play by Jaymes Jorsling
Developmental reading
Directed by Christopher McElroen
Musical Theatre Works, NYC
With Eddie Brown, J. Bernard Calloway, Brian D. Coats, Nick Hepsoe, LeeAnne Hutchison, Grant Neale, Jay Smith, T. Ryder Smith
June 27



Our Class, a play by Tadeusz Slobodzianek
Staged reading, New York Theatre Workshop, NYC
Directed by Lileana Blain-Cruz
With Dan Abeles, Jihn Carlin, Laura Esterman, Kate Goehring, Olek Krupa, Matthew Lewis, Quentin Mare, Benj Mirman, T. Ryder Smith, Zoe Winters; stage directions read by Max Hunter
Sept. 23



(A)pollonia: A Festival of Readings of New Polish Plays
New York Theatre Workshop
Staged readings of a scene from (A)pollonia, by Krzysztof Warlikowski, Piotr Grusczcynski and Jacek Poniedzialek
and of the complete play
The Mayor, by Malgorzata Sikorska-Miszczuk
Directed by Tea Alagic
With Scott Kerns, John Martello, Paul Mullins, Rachel Napoleon, Sarah Nealis, T. Ryder Smith
November 24

Event website:

Theatre Communications Guild blog post:



Outside the Wire/Theatre of War, performance of “The Book of Job”
(see entry in Vocal Archive here)
Directed/Moderated by Bryan Doerries
Hurricane Sandy Relief event, P.S. 276, Canarsie, Brooklyn
With Lou Cancelmi, Chinasa Ogbuagu, T. Ryder Smith
December 7, 2013



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