Of Blessed Memory

Richard Petrocelli, Nicolette Vajtay, T. Ryder Smith, Jose Zuniga, Julian Fleisher.
T. Ryder Smith, Julian Fleisher.
T. Ryder Smith.
Julian Fleisher, Nicolette Vajtay, T. Ryder Smith.


Excerpts from the reviews

“Rattner tackles timely and complex material, and the director and his strong company reveal it’s many facets with much skill and sensitivity. Heading the cast are Jose Zuniga and T. Ryder Smith, whose portrayals are both convincing and poignant.” Anne Haas, Stages magazine

“A powerful play with a strong moral vision . . . T. Ryder Smith is especially good as the orthodox Jew who discovers he is indeed his brother’s keeper . . .” WINS radio, NYC

“Despite the melodramatic elements, there is plenty of complexity and multi-textured significance . . . Mr. Smith conveys both restraint and passion with professional skill.” Harvey Karten, Humanities News


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