Other theatre work, 2008


In A Garden, a new play by Howard Korder, directed by Jerry Patch
Developmental reading at the Old Globe, January, 2008
With Tony Von Halle, T. Ryder Smith



You & Yours, a new play by David Deblinger, directed by Crispin Whittel
Staged reading at The Old Globe, February, 2008
With Carlos Acuna, Katie Barrett, John Keabler, Jeffrey Kuhn, T. Ryder Smith, Al White



The Good Person of Sezuan, a play by Bertolt Brecht, adapted by Tony Kushner, directed by Tony Speciale, with Tony Kushner
Music by Christian Frederickson
Staged reading, First Look Series, Classic Stage Company, October 13, 2008
With Dominic Chianese, David Costabile, Gwynne Flanagan, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Jason Butler Harner, Jayne Houdyshell, Roberta Maxwell, Judith Roberts, Jade Rothman, Ben Shenkman, Mary Schultz, T. Ryder Smith, Jeremy Strong, Stephanie Wright Thompson, Mark Zeisler; Stage Manager: Chandra LaViolette



Intelligence-Slave, a new play by Kenneth Lin, directed by Jerry Patch
Staged reading at Manhattan Theatre Club, October 30, 2008
With Paul Hecht, Eric Nelsen, Jeremy Shamos, Rocco Sisto, T. Ryder Smith; stage directions read by Brit Whittle



Dead Man’s Cell Phone, a play by Sarah Ruhl
Book publication party and signing, performance (Gordon’s monologue), and talk with author and actor, at the Drama Book Shop, November 18, 2008
Produced by Kate Walat for TCG Publications, Talkback moderated by Adam Horowitz



Robinson Awake, a new play by Barbara Weichmann
Directed by Barabara Weichmann and T. Ryder Smith
Workshop performance, New Dramatists’ Play Time series, NYC, December, 2008
Sound Design: Greta Byrum; Lighting Design: Rafael Perko
With: T. Ryder Smith








Above: poster, and raw video frames from archival taping of performance.



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