Above, various: T. Ryder Smith, Saturninus; Geraldine Singer, Tamora; Kelly Costigan, Celebrant; Diana LaMar, Lavinia; J.C. Hoyt, Bassanius.

Excerpts from the reviews
“Solemn, straightforward and impressively straight-faced, this is an oddly bracing experience. Barry has enfolded the entire production within the stark pillars of the Andronicus clan’s temple/masoleum. A witnessing chorus of white-clad vestals murmurs and chants throughout the procession of horrors, adding timeless, ritual overtones of sacrifice and suffering, a potent concept. . . . The villains have the best of it: whiplike T. Ryder Smith is a royally pathological brat as Saturninus . . .” Bob Campbell, The Newark Star-Ledger
“No one is going to chide Mr. Barry with revisionism or reinterpretation of Shakespeare. For all it matters. no one is likely to credit him with an interpretation in the first place . . . Colorless . . . There is no complexity here . . . “ Alvin Klein, New York Times
“In presenting a play that is often taken as an excuse for excess, director and actors cooperate in the exercise of restraint . . . What’s impressive is the director’s willingness to let the play speak it’s piece . . . Barry has assembled an unusually attractive company of actors whose performances deserve applause. “ Naomi Conn Liebler, Shakespeare Bulletin
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